The Importance of Visiting your Dentist Regularly

Here at Hobsonville Point Dental we recommend regular check-ups to ensure maintenance of health. However, whether due to phobia of the dentist chair or a hectic lifestyle regular check-ups can often fall by the wayside. Checking your teeth for tooth decay is just one part of a thorough dental examination. Not only are check-ups good for your teeth, they’re good for your overall health! An unhealthy mouth, especially if you have gum disease, may increase your risk of serious health problems such as heart attack, stroke, poorly controlled diabetes and preterm labor.

During a check-up we check for abnormalities that may otherwise go unnoticed and could be a sign of a larger health issue. Many systemic conditions (a disease that affects or pertains to your entire body) manifest oral signs and symptoms. A thorough check-up should include a careful examination of your tongue, throat, face, head, and neck. This is to look for any signs of trouble including possible signs of oral cancer. Thus a check-up often serves as a helpful vantage point for detecting early signs and symptoms of disease.


Fundamentally a dental check-up is preventative. The key is in catching problems early on. Whether it be tooth decay, existing fillings or gum disease, dealing with these problems pre-emptively will not only save your health but in the long run will save you money. The reason is simple; the earlier your problem is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. Unsurprisingly long‐term routine attendance has a positive impact on major tooth loss i.e regular check-ups help you keep your teeth for longer. Skipping dental appointments may not seem like a big deal, but oral issues can develop and progress extremely quickly whether or not you notice it. By keeping on top of your dental check-ups you’re doing yourself a big favour in the long run.

Dr Katherine Fowler

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